Saturday, 30 April 2011

Saturday April 30th 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Making Playdough - so much fun, super simple and Charlie spent hours playing with it, he wanted pink playdough, so I scented it with strawberry flavouring, mmm...

2. Smiley babies - really enjoying my two happy children, back to work in 2 days, so really trying to make the most of spending time with my little family.

3. Nap time - having been struck down with a 24 hour sick bug yesterday (causing me to miss the Royal Wedding party my friend and I had planned and fail to write my blog entry - boo hoo), i was so tired, so today whilst babies slept after lunch, so did I. Just what the doctor ordered!

P.S. Incase you were wondering, yesterday's 3 would have been, in short:

1. My macaroons - turned out rather well.
2. Lovely husband, for looking after me and babies yesterday.
3. The Wedding - she looked just lovely, what a dress McQueen, just perfect!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Thursday April 28th 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

Revolving around my boy today on his birthday!

1. Birthday time - it is Charlie's 2nd Birthday today, can't believe he's 2 already, my, time flies. He is such an amazing little boy and has brought so much joy to our lives, it really is unimaginable. We are so blessed!

2. Presents - so much fun watching Charlie mowing the grass in the garden with his new bubble mower at 7am, so hilarious, every time a bubble escaped he stopped mowing (and hence the bubbles stopped flowing), and shouted "yey bubbles.....oh no, bubble gone!'...

3. The zoo - we had a superb family day at the zoo zoo zoo, lovely weather, brilliant monkeys and lazy lions, c'est magnifique!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Wednesday April 27th 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Friends - today I met my wonderful friend Verity, we sat with the babies and boys in her lovely garden drinking tea, nibbling biscuits and planning the baking requirements for the Royal Wedding party that we're having on Thursday. Me: blue, red and white macaroons and Her: Union Jack fondant fancies (the sponge for which I'm baking for her as we speak - the house is smelling cakey delicious!)...I'll keep you posted.

2. My clematis - finally the fisrt flower has burst open, its really rather a treat!

3. Charlie dressing up - the hilarity of walking into the lounge and finding Charlie standing in his Gruffalo Pyjamas, sporting a rather super spotty blue shower cap - priceless! What a happy day!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Tuesday April 26th 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Ironing - yippee I've tackled the ironing mountain that has plagued the basket in our bedroom for weeks! Now hanging crisply in the wardrobe, unbelievably satisfying!

2. Another bake off - stocking the freezer with meals ready for going back to work next week...I love a bit of organisation.

3. Charlie's counting - my super dooper boy who is two on Thursday can now count to ten! So hilarious! When he gets to ten he starts at nine again and gets a little stuck in the loop!

Monday, 25 April 2011

Monday April 25th 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily Three!

1. My onions - looking great, they're finally starting to grow shoots, can't wait to plant at the allotment tomorrow.

2. Beach days - on the beach today with the babes and my Pa, so lovely watching my dad with his grandson splashing in the sea...

3. Pamper sessions - such a rarity these days but loving giving myself a mani-pedi tonight...

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Sunday April 24th 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Family days! Such an amazing day at my in-laws with the children and cousins for Charlie's 2nd Birthday Party, a BBQ, cake and Easter egg hunt! Amazing!

2. Easter egg hunt! Charlies first, just so charming seeing his little face light up!

3. April sunshine - still we have gorgeous weather, brilliant!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Saturday April 23rd 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Car Booting - the "booting" season is upon us and for much hilarity and a chance for a bit of up-cycling you can't beat a car boot! Trying to dodge the masses with 2 babies under 2 in a double buggy was not so fun, but we were thrilled with our haul - Ross with his retro macro lens for his camera and me with my 10p gold chains...of which I bought 10 beauties to craft with, that'll be another post!

2. Hot cross buns - finally I've made a batch and am now feeling rather satisfied following a bit of a fiddily process involving kneading, rising, shaping, kneading and more rising, then piping bags for the crosses and finally a glaze, but all in all they're not bad. Also on the baking front was Charlie's birthday cake, decorated with an Easter theme, Ross said "oh you've made a dog!"... "It's the Easter Bunny actually...". Hopefully a 2 year old will have a bit more imagination!

3. My fig tree - at last it's tiny fig leaves are coming out, how very perfect! I'm beyond excited!

Friday, 22 April 2011

Friday April 22nd 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Good Friday - nothing like a Friday Bank holiday to brighten the extended weekend, let's get the choccie out!

2. Beach Days - spoilt by this glorious weather yet again, we've been at the beach today with les enfants and Papa Jem (aka my dad). Sandcastles, skimming stones, suncream, sunshine and ice lollies, not much beats it...

3. Early nights - rather sad for a Friday night (that's what happens post thirty and 2 kids I suppose), but I'm so looking forward to heading up to bed, so especially nice with that warm after sunshine glow!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Thursday April 21st 2011 - Today's Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Grandparents - hanging out in the sunshine at the park having a lovely picnic with the babies and my lovely grandparents, perfect!

2. Neighbourly love - and they say most people don't know their neighbours these days, not the case on Richmond Hill. Oh no. Today Isla, little girl to the right, hopped over the wall and had a garden tea party with Charlie, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Piglet, and dearest Roland and Roma from the left gave me a bunch of beautiful Lilies of the Valley, blissful.

3. DIYing bracelets - at it again, I'm addicted to fashioning a bit of fashion!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Wednesday April 20th 2011 - Todays Three Things!

The Daily 3!

1. Macaroons - my first ever batch! I have always wanted to make them and today was the day! The end result was pretty good, I made far too many though and to avoid scoffing the lot, I gave my lovely neighbours Roland and Roma a few to have with their afternoon cuppa.

2. DIYed sun dress - I finally got round to making Edie the sun dress I've had in my head for ages, lets hope it fits, by the time I finished she was sleeping soundly so couldn't test it out!

3. The garden - such glorious weather again today, pottering around the garden was just lovely, nothing like a bit of sunshine on your face to make you smile...

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Tuesday April 19th 2011 - Todays 3!

The Daily 3!

1. Sunshine - my oh my the weather here in Cornwall is just marvellous! Such a joy to potter around the garden avec les enfants! Today was particularly lovely, pasties for lunch in the garden...mmmmm.

2. My peas - they're coming along a treat, can't wait to plant out in the allotment this weekend.

3. The Cornish Food Market - a fab new local online grocery delivery service, that offers FREE delivery, locally sourced produce and is cheaper than other supermarkets - amazing idea! I was thrilled with my order when it arrived on time last night!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Monday April 18th 2011 - Todays 3!

The Daily 3!

1. Freshly laundered sheets - this is the ultimate in happiness inducing stuff for me. Clean sheets dried on the line on a sunny day, can't wait to creep under the covers...

2. My sewing machine - having spent the evening sewing up a storm, I'm very pleased at the results...a bag for Charlie to take his spare clothes to nursery in (with embroidered initials - nothing like a bit of a monogram for a 2 year old), and a plastic bag tidy, you know the kind you stuff bags in one end and take them out the other (mine looks a bit like a stripey sausage), but ultimately serves a purpose - finally the end of the plastic jumble - hurrah!

3. My eBay marathon - it took nearly all day, but I have finally managed to list over 30 items that have been teasing me in a big TO EBAY pile in the wardrobe. I love ticking things off my endless to do!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Sunday April 17th 2011 - Todays 3!

The Daily Three!

1. Chain Weave Bracelets - My new absolute favorite! I can't stop DIYing these beauties. I absolutely love the effect, so satisfying.

2. Easter Eggcitement - This year I'm getting especially excited about Easter, I think perhaps the idea of having our first ever Easter Egg Hunt for Charlie (he's nearly 2), is becoming too much and I fear we may have a bunny/chocolate egg volcanic type erruption in our tiny garden!!

3. Making Bread - Having been up since 4am (thank you Edie) I have decided to be incredible productive this morning and bake our bread for the seeded batch coming up!

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Saturday April 16th 2011 - Today's 3!

The Daily Three!

1. Lazy Weekends - Today, the Tallings all stayed in PJ's untill 11am, some were later. Not having to charge about every now and then is a real treat, enabling you to get back to basics and enjoy really simple pleasures!

2. Growing Veg - As a very lucky Allotment owner, I am especially excited this year about growing food. Last year, somewhat unsucessfully I attempted to turn our garden into a scene from the Good Life. Every day more shoots appear, the courgettes are particularly pleasing this morning!

3. Baby Food - Edie Rose is starting to eat real food, well baby rice and veg purees. So in an attempt to grt organised, I have whizzed up a massive batch of bright orange, velvety smooth carrots...lets hope she likes them!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Friday April 15th 2011 - Today's 3!

The Daily Three!

1. Home - nothing quite like it, especially after a long old journey and even more especially when you're greeted by a very smiley toddler!

2. Remembering sad times - thinking about a time when life was hard, makes me instantly realise how grateful I am for where I am today. Thank you to the lovely man on the train today, who poured his heart out to me, making me think about my past a little, I wish you lots of luck with your challenges.

3. My DIY Necklace - Ribbon and gold chain, very therapeutic to craft, and a pleasing result.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Thursday April 14th 2011 - Today's 3!

The Daily Three!

1. Horseracing - my new found favorite thing! Celebrating my beautiful baby sister's 21st birthday at the races at Kempton Park with the fam!

2. Blossom - this is the most beautiful time of the year, with life full of hope and promise.

3. Pickling jars! This is an odd choice, today wandering through Tufnell Park a few lonely jars were waiting for new homes...I snaffled nine of the beauties! Can't wait to pickle some eggs!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Wenesday 13th April 2011 - Today's 3!

My daily three:

1. My lovely smiley children Charlie and Edie. Despite Edie waking me up at 1.50am for three hours, they have still made ME smile this morning!

2. My husband Ross, for the cheeky lie-in he has subsequently given me.

3. And finally today, the beautiful sunny daffodils I was given this weekend - now in full bloom on the table!