Monday, 18 April 2011

Monday April 18th 2011 - Todays 3!

The Daily 3!

1. Freshly laundered sheets - this is the ultimate in happiness inducing stuff for me. Clean sheets dried on the line on a sunny day, can't wait to creep under the covers...

2. My sewing machine - having spent the evening sewing up a storm, I'm very pleased at the results...a bag for Charlie to take his spare clothes to nursery in (with embroidered initials - nothing like a bit of a monogram for a 2 year old), and a plastic bag tidy, you know the kind you stuff bags in one end and take them out the other (mine looks a bit like a stripey sausage), but ultimately serves a purpose - finally the end of the plastic jumble - hurrah!

3. My eBay marathon - it took nearly all day, but I have finally managed to list over 30 items that have been teasing me in a big TO EBAY pile in the wardrobe. I love ticking things off my endless to do!

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