Monday, 23 July 2012

Weekend Snaps

Bears do like Bananas

Spinach and Cheese Muffins

"Oh no!" said baby bear as she threw the bowl on the floor..

Happy days with the banana eating bear x

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Wednesday Wonders - One For the Kids

So  I'm a little late with Tuesday Treasures this week, so its going to have to be Wednesday Wonders! All of these delights are just so perfect for the kids! 

TeepeeandTent Kids A-Frame Teepee Play Tent - $149.99

littlesaplingtoys Personalized Toy Camera $34

whimsywendy Reversible Fabric Crown $15

evanspicks Children's Scooter by Radio Flyer - $75

lacasadecoto Crochet rug-Granny Square €59

SuperSweetCreations RED ANCHOR on NAUTICAL blue striped tee $22

Happy Days x

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sunday Stitch Up

Sunday's three...

Bright and early start thanks to little Edie Rose, she is a chirpy little early riser. Despite being super tired, it was the best start to the day, snuggled on the sofa with a cuppa and the babes at 5.30am...

So, in a bid to catch the worm I packaged up a couple of orders and finished a cream version of my crochet boot cuffs (all before 7am). I'm really excited to get these in the shop. Even though they're more of a winter accessory, I do think they'd look cute with bare legs, a skirt and boots for a summer evening...thoughts?

Reading. I've been reading. Very excited about this. I am notoriously bad for making time to read. I probably manage one maybe  two books a year. Not because I don't enjoy reading, I love reading,  but I think I'm too busy to do it, which I obviously am not, I managed it today! So, I am challenging myself to have finished 2 books by the end of the month. We'll see how I get on, but I have to give it a shot!

Happy days x

Happy Saturday!

SO, its been a busy little weekend so far. Friday I went into a bit of a baking frenzy. I haven't made the time to bake like that for ages and it was rather therapeutic, especially doing it with charlie, he just loves baking!

I was on a mission to bake wholesome bits for the babes. Having gathered up a selection on various new recipes, I had a nice selection I wanted to try. The first three were: Fruity breakfast muffins (made with the boy - he made banana, I made apple and cinnamon), cheese and marmite scones (actually rather tasty) and a lentil quiche, which I thought was rather nice, alas, no-one else really agreed...bit disappointing given the fact that it took nearly 4 hours to make!! Anywho, I'll post pics and recipes tomorrow. 

I also finally managed to get some more chunky crochet wrist warmers in the shop. Today, mint (can't get enough of mint), oatmeal and grey. Yes, I know its still July, but all this rain makes it feel like winter! I like winter. Don't hate me but I also am rather pleased at how well my rhubarb is doing thanks to the rain!

Happy days x

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Fresh Start, making the best of ourselves...

So, alot of the time I think about how I can do things better. For me, becoming a parent makes me want to be a much better version of myself. I want to give my little people a happy loving home, a stable upbringing and I want them to thrive. This is, I'm sure, what all parents want. Lately, I feel I've been busy and hectic and lost a little focus on what's important. So after having a little word with myself, the FRESH START begins. With it, the excitement of three whole days off work to be spent with Charlie, Edie Rose and Ross. Yi-P-EEE.

The weekend is planned in my OCD organisational nirvana head and I intend to make the absolute best of the precious time we have...stay tuned...

Happy Days x

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tuesday Treasures

July has landed and despite the rain in Cornwall, I’m enjoying these rather lovely Summer finds. Clockwise from the top left:

karmologyclinic - Yellow Lace Leggings - $34.00 USD
katieduran Decorated Cookies $14.50 USD
MintAfternoon Notebook $5.00 USD
FIGandYARROW Floral Milk Bath $12.00 USD
thewhiteribbon Soft leather ballet flats $65.00 USD
bankeladen Tulle Bag $15.00 USD

Happy Days x