Sunday, 30 June 2013

Nature in the Home: White

Its been a really hectic week this week. I was away for the first half of the week and spent the rest of the week playing catch-up! Charlie had another settling session at his new school (he starts in September), I simply cannot believe how time flies - it seems only yesterday he was a teeny bundle in my arms in hospital! Wow.

I am so late in joining in in the lovely Lou's Nature in the home challenge this week. The theme is white and this collection of foraged hedgerow blooms is my offering. We went for a walk on the farm with the children after supper one evening this week and Edie helped me collect this weeks selection. 

Happy days x


  1. these are gorgeous as well! Just been on your shop site! I think i'm gonna like it here lol! and your UK!!!! yay! and me although redditch is not quite as picture perfect as your neck of the woods xxxx
