Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Nature in the home...

I stumbled upon this gorgeous idea from Little Green Shed via the lovely Charmaine from Littlenestbox. Its such a lovely idea, and I'm so excited to join in!  We're always popping a few garden blooms in jugs and jam jars around the house.

These little beauties were found in the field next to the children's nursery, they are a delight in our bedroom :)

Happy days!


  1. beautiful! such a soft, pretty pink x

  2. Lovely, soft shade of pink - gorgeous x

  3. Gorgeous! There's something so lovely about putting flowers in your bedroom :) Found you via the Nature in the Home linky - off for a nose around your site now! x

  4. So pretty :) That is the most exquisite shade of pink!

  5. Thanks for popping by and for posting your lovely comments ladies! I agree Helen, flowers in bedrooms are a must - so nice to wake up to them in the morning :)
