Saturday 12 May 2012

Mary had a little lamb - bobbly lamb bonnet!

Lovely of my bestest friends had a baby boy this week. I cannot wait to meet the little man! In anticipation I have made him a bobbly lamb bonnet. My first one, and I think its super cute - I'm onto making one for Edie Rose now!

My new favorite breakfast! Poached egg on toast with avocado - DELicious!

Big Chunky Minty Green Cowl. Ok I know is May and therefore we should be wearing nice tea dresses and sandals....but...have you seen the weather. Grey, cold, wet. Definitely time for a cowl!

Happy days x


  1. That is the cutest little hat ever! I found your blog on a thread I started on etsy and am your newest follower and added you to my google reader :)

    1. Thanks Jess! What a fab blog you have - I had already included it in my Blog Love links :) Thanks for popping over to say hello!
