Lovely lovely family weekend!
1. So much fun had at the little man's first swimming lessons! Charlie was shall we say more than a little reluctant to begin (shouting at the top of his voice "I'M NOT GOING IN MUMMY! YOU GO IN! I DON'T WANT TO!). However, after a little coaxing and a lot of splashing he just LOVED it and can't stop talking about going next week, ah precious moments!
2. Desperate to try the overlocker out and whip up a couple of pairs of leggings and a tee or two, all unpacked and raring to go, I tried a little stitching on a scrap of fabric, disaster struck, a needle fell out and unwound the whole thing. I'm still trying to figure out how to re-thread the thing...a day later...oh dear (I guess the jersey fabrics I was really excited about will have to wait!)!
3. Happy family! This weekend has been so nice, the kids have been delightful, hilarious and super happy and it's been brilliant. The simple things put everything into perspective and make you realise what's really important.
- Happy Days!
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