1. Healthy Wholemeal Banana Breakfast Muffins were made at 7am with the help of a happy little 2 year old, happy that was, until he realised that you have to cook them! Bless him, a long 25 minutes followed until they were ready! But they were a yummy start to the day!

2. Summer Berry Jam finally made with blackberries from the garden and Cornish strawbs, now to find some cool labelling ideas...hope my neighbours like jam! So easy to make and such a tasty result!

3. Happy lovely people - today I've seen one of my bestest friends the beautiful Poppy! She's getting married on Saturday and i'm so excited for her, it's going to be a wonderful day! Can't wait! Also so so looking forward to the arrival of my mama, she's coming to stay tomorrow and she's having the babies overnight when we go to the wedding - such an unbelievable treat. So lucky :)
The sweet peas are from my lovely neighbours and smell so divine, as I say life is pretty sweet right now!