1. Neighbourly times - Such a happy morning with my opposite neighbour, so amazingly co-incidental, our babies were born on the same day! Children had fun eating rice cakes and playing!
2. Power organising - having snatched myself an hour with babies dual napping I hung washing, hoovered, tidied and embraced my to-do! Also had time to peek at pinterest - I'm totally hooked!
3. Baby shower/30th celebration - so looking forward to a rare night with the girls, my friends baby shower come 30th birthday and I baked these pea pod cupcakes in honour of the imminent new arrival (thanks to pinterest for the inspiration)!
Hi Emily! I just wanted to pop on over and say hi :) I saw that you found my blog...how fun! What a wonderful idea you have going here... practicing having a thankful and joyful heart by counting your blessings! Wonderful.