Friday, 29 July 2011

Friday July 29th 2011 - Today's three things!

The Daily Three!

1. Neighbourly times - Such a happy morning with my opposite neighbour, so amazingly co-incidental, our babies were born on the same day! Children had fun eating rice cakes and playing!

2. Power organising - having snatched myself an hour with babies dual napping I hung washing, hoovered, tidied and embraced my to-do! Also had time to peek at pinterest - I'm totally hooked!

3. Baby shower/30th celebration - so looking forward to a rare night with the girls, my friends baby shower come 30th birthday and I baked these pea pod cupcakes in honour of the imminent new arrival (thanks to pinterest for the inspiration)!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Thursday July 21st 2011 - Todays Three Things!

Another massive break from the blog...such a shame I've been so manic with life and babies and work and allotments and organising our terribly cluttered home and friends hen do's, weddings and baby showers and more hen dos....finally I'm back in the game and hoping for more time to be inspired to create and to actually create! So for the first time in a while...

The Daily Three!

1. Feeling organised - it's quite remarkable how living amid clutter can make you feel a little overwhelmed by most things! I can say this having massively de-cluttered our house this week and can't express enough how much of a difference it has made! My husband and I spent a whole day blitzing the clutter changing rooms around and making dump trips and cleaning... A sense of calm has descended over the Talling household, especially the children - Edie is crawling around manically squealing with delight at the amount of newfound space she has acquired and Charlie is riding his bike around the downstairs of the house! Brilliant!

2. Sun shining happiness - after a week of miserable Cornish weather (we are in July aren't we?)the sun has finally come out meaning a chance to actually dry some washing and spend some time at the allotment. Loving the allotment right now, so much is growing, it's pretty exciting. Inthink maybe some things went in a bit late, but the leeks, potatoes and rainbow chard are doing well, so at least we can have a bit of soup!

3. Home made yogurt - a la river cottage, I've made this before and it was really good, this time i've added seeds from a vanilla pod into the process so hopefully this will work! Looking forward to a bit for breakfast tomorrow!